Thursday, January 15, 2009

Motorola unveils its new Recycled Cell phone (The World’s First Carbon Neutral Cellphone)

Green innovations are taking center stage at this year’s CES, with many big name companies embracing sustainable design. Motorola is doing their part to tackle the massive problem of consumer e-waste with the release of the world’s first carbon neutral cellphone. The Renew W233 is the first certified Carbonfree cell phone on the market and features a 100% recyclable housing made from recycled water bottles.

The consumer electronics industry survives through constant innovation, with companies constantly seeking out the next best thing. But what happens to all of those outdated gadgets as they are replaced? In the United States alone, 426,000 cellphones are retired each day, and a staggering number of these wind up in landfills.

Motorola’s Renew W233 cellphone features an admirable set of sustainable features that directly address the phone’s carbon footprint and life cycle. By partnering up with Motorola offsets the energy to manufacture, distribute, and operate the phone by investing in renewable energy sources and reforestation. Once the phone reaches the end of its life cycle it can be easily recycled by placing it in a prepaid envelope that is provided in the box. Additionally, the phone’s packaging consumes 22% less material and the manual is printed on post consumer recycled paper with soy-based inks.

The phone offers a simple feature set and will be situated in an affordable price bracket, making it available to a wide range of users. It’s great to see large electronics manufacturers making sincere efforts to consider the sustainability of their products!

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